Feliz Dia de las Madres


2 min read

Today I celebrated Mother's day again! In Mexico we celebrate it on May 10th. I get two special days because being a mom is no joke! My sister brought me flowers to work and I had cake waiting for me at home.

I had some time during work to do a codewar, which will be a separate post.

I get home at around 6:30pm very annoyed and tired, but it's time for my next full-time job. I had to fight my oldest to do her homework for like an hour. I have them do quiet time at 8pm. This means no electronics, and they have to a soothing activity for an hour. Since my oldest didn't want to do her homework earlier she spent her quiet time finishing it. Once 9pm hits, they both have to wash their teeth and change for bed. Lucky both were tired from a long day that they knocked out by 9:30pm.

Now it's code time. I watched about 30min of class 29 of #100devs. I cannot believe we are halfway through the bootcamp. It has been a bit challenging trying to keep up and not feel like I am falling behind. I have come to understand that I need to take my time and make sure I understand enough to move on to the next topic.

I like to reward myself with doing a little crochet while listening to BTS. Yesssss BTS keeps me motivated. I'll post what I made once I finish. Onward...