Back into Coding


2 min read

The past few months have been brutal, to say the least. My coding journey has been taking a hit the most. I had to prioritize other aspects of my life and just shove coding in a corner.

I lost my grandfather, my aunt, and my friend in 6 months. It has been very difficult to deal with grief. On top of that, my dad is battling with diabetes and it got to the point he is close to losing his sight. We have been trying to get him Medicare or Medicaid ( here in the USA) but he does not qualify. The health system in this country is a joke. One of my best friends is moving away to another state, I had to get an emergency tooth extracted, and get my children to their summer activities.... phew!

I have been trying to take it one day at a time. I listen to my body and my head, when I can no longer push forward I take a break.

Aside from all of this going on, I wanted to get back into coding. I like getting lost in learning and doing. I have been touching code at least once a day for a whole month and a half straight. Needless to say that I am incredibly proud of myself.

I also started to learn React with Scrimba. I can't wait to start building with it. Oh, and I am hoping to start blogging my journey again at least once a week.

Again, this is mostly for me, but if you are liking what you reading leave me a comment!