Another week goes by


1 min read

It's been relatively hard.

My regular work is just plain stressful.

Home is good, just annoyed that our construction stuff is progressing slowly. I wish we had the money to just get everything done faster and by someone else too hahahaha.

I have been doing my codewars daily and pushing them to Github, which brings me joy!

I have been catching up on homework and class videos as well. I feel like I have not paid much attention to my portfolio or LinkedIn. This upcoming week, I will fix what I have and add it to my portfolio.

I would love to get back into coffee chats as well. I have been slacking so much on that end. I don't know why it's giving me anxiety just thinking about it.

Leon did say that we will have to start juggling a lot of things soon. I am starting to feel it, but I will have to take it slow.

I hope everyone else has a great and productive week. Or not, sometimes we need to take a break from everything to start fresh!